Disclamer for Setlist Creator free

Sure! Here’s the revised disclaimer that combines the absence of personal information and the aspect of advertising in your app:


  1. General Notice:
    This mobile app (hereinafter referred to as „the App“) is provided for informational purposes only. The developer does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or timeliness of the information provided. The use of the App is at your own risk.
  2. No Personal Information:
    The App does not collect any personal information from users. No personally identifiable data or other sensitive information is gathered, stored, or disclosed.
  3. Advertising:
    The App may contain advertisements provided by third parties. The developer has no control over the selection or display of the advertisements. The developer takes no responsibility for the content, availability, or security of the advertisements. Interactions or transactions with advertisers are solely between the user and the advertiser.
  4. Disclaimer of Liability for Damages:
    The developer shall not be liable for any direct or indirect damages arising from the use of the App or linked content. This includes financial losses, data loss, business interruptions, or any other damages.
  5. Changes to the App:
    The developer reserves the right to modify, expand, or terminate the App at any time without prior notice. There is no obligation to continuously update the App or rectify errors.
  6. User Responsibilities:
    Users of the App are responsible for their own actions and decisions. The developer shall not be liable for damages resulting from improper use of the App or disregard of instructions.

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